With Multilevel Cooking, you can cook food anywhere in the oven and get consistent results every time because it has an extra heating ring element. Utilize the timing display to see how your meal is coming along. It provides you with a quick summary of the current state of the cooking process. With the help of the ingenious Hot Air convection technology, hot air is distributed uniformly throughout the oven chamber, resulting in faster and more energy-efficient cooking.
SurroundCook Technology
The golden brown on a potato gratin. The deep crust on a fillet of beef. The moist depths of a rich chocolate cake. Achieving even results time after time demands precisely controlled heat, distributed consistently throughout your oven. Unlike standard ovens, the SurroundCook oven’s advanced fan technology ensures that every part of your dish is getting exactly the heat it needs. Evenly. Consistently. Wherever it’s placed. Whether it’s one dish or several. No more turning dishes halfway through cooking. Just the results that meet your expectations every time.
Heating Ring
The additional heating ring in our oven ensures your dishes are evenly cooked – even when loaded with up to three trays – for corner-to-corner deliciousness. Sure to make each portion as perfect as the last.
Hot Air Technology
With this oven, using energy efficiently also means cooking efficiently. It has a new convection system called Hot Air, which ensures hot air circulates evenly throughout the oven cavity. The result is that the oven heats up faster and cooking temperatures can be reduced by up to 20%, saving you both time and energy
Steam Cleaning
Cleaning after cooking needn't be a chore. Humidity inside the oven creates steam to loosen otherwise stubborn grease and residue left on its surfaces. So you can achieve a natural clean, effortlessly.
Digital Timer
The timer display provides an at-a-glance overview of the status of your dish. Its clear screen enables you to set an alarm, check directly on the time remaining before your dish is ready, and adjust the timer with accuracy and precision.
This highly efficient grill takes less time than traditional ovens and will toast, crisp, or brown your dishes to precision.
XL Baking Tray
Less isn't always more, especially when it comes to delicious baked goodies. The XL Baking Tray is 20% larger than standard-sized baking trays, enabling you to turn out larger batches of sweet treats, with the satisfaction that every single one has been perfectly baked
Key Features
SKU | 949496389 |
EAN | 7333394054377 |
Manufacturer | AEG |