Sending out a direct mailing? Perhaps you are mailing company brochures, newsletters or other A4 marketing material. When you have a lot of mail to send you can prepare it in double quick time using the unique QuickPEEL™ feature. You simply divide the sheet along the perforation to expose the label edges and then peel and apply to your C4 envelopes. Avery EcoFriendly QuickPEEL™ Labels don’t just save you time, they can help protect the environment too.
- These white mailing labels are easier to peel and faster to apply with the unique QuickPEEL™ feature - Suitable for A4 envelopes, with 10 labels per sheet - Guaranteed Jam Free™ with outstanding print quality - FSC certified labels made with paper from well-managed forests - Eco-friendly labels can be fully recycled as part of paper waste