High Performance DDR4 Memory G.SKILL DDR4 memory is designed for the ultimate experience on the latest DDR4 platform! Whether you are processing large amounts of data or intense gaming, experience smooth system performance with the newest next-generation PC memory technology! All G.SKILL DDR4 memory kits are tested with extensive suite of testing software to ensure maximum performance and stability.
Ultra Compatibility with the latest DDR4 Systems! G.SKILL DDR4 memory kits are validated for compatibility with most DDR4 platforms under a series of rigorous tests in quad channel memory operations. It's guaranteed to provide the best-in-class performance, compatibility, and stability with the widest range of motherboards.
Faster Transfer Speed Starting from 2133MHz as standard frequency, DDR4 memory delivers much higher bandwidth than previous DDR memory. You can enjoy a faster computing experience for gaming, video & image editing, rendering, and other professional applications.
Power Efficient Designed with a low voltage of 1.2V~1.35V at DDR4 standard, this lowers the memory voltage requirement by 20% from DDR3 memory kits! Now your system can perform even faster without becoming an expensive appliance heater.