Ideal for consistently producing professional-quality colour documents for a great value – at high speeds your HP printer or MFP was built to achieve.
Print professional-quality colour documents for a great value and help your workgroup thrive. High-speed printing, easy cartridge replacement and recycling, and consistent printing performance make your business case.[1]
Compatible Printers: HP PageWide Pro 477 dwt, HP PageWide Pro 477 dn, HP PageWide Pro 452 dwt, HP PageWide Pro 477 dw, HP PageWide Pro 470 Series, HP PageWide Managed P 55250 dw, HP PageWide Managed P 57750 dw, HP PageWide Pro 450 Series, HP PageWide Pro 552 dw, HP PageWide Pro 452 dw, HP PageWide Pro 452 dn