Are you looking for enterprise-quality�server memory�at a lower cost? Small and medium business owners often must choose between the need for high-performance server memory that supports their workloads and the simultaneous desire to control capital and operating expenses. With HPE DDR5 Standard Memory, you don't need to choose between performance and cost efficiency.�HPE Standard Memory�options are designed to deliver performance, reliability and efficiency at an affordable price. Unlike third-party alternatives, HPE Standard Memory is sourced from the highest-quality DRAMS and undergoes a rigorous testing and authentication process. This extensive testing ensures that it is completely compatible with and optimized for entry-level HPE server platforms to perform to industry-defined specifications.
Key Product Info
HPE DDR5 Standard Memory matches the performance capabilities of the new generation of Intel� processors.
HPE DDR5 Standard Memory provides excellent quality and support for a selection of HPE Gen11 servers.
HPE offers an affordable solution for small and medium businesses and remote and branch office customers with HPE DDR5 Standard Memory.
Product Features
High Performance HPE DDR5 Standard Memory matches the performance capabilities of the new generation of Intel processors. HPE DDR5 Standard Memory reduces downtime and lowers energy costs using advanced error detection.
High Reliability HPE DDR5 Standard Memory provides excellent quality and support for a selection of HPE Gen11 servers. HPE engineers quality and reliability into every HPE DDR5 Standard Memory product.
Increased Efficiency HPE offers an affordable solution for small and medium businesses and remote and branch office customers with HPE DDR5 Standard Memory.