You’re just as likely to find the fireproof and waterproof ioSafe 220+ network attached storage (NAS) device in home offices as corner offices. That’s because our versatile and popular backup system creates redundant (RAID 1) copies of data. It also runs the Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) software, making it perfect for collaboration and data backup. All in a modest package!
IS IT GETTING WARMER AROUND HERE? If your business or office is threatened by fire, you won’t have time to get out a hard drive and back up your system before walking out the door. Enter the 220+, which will withstand up to 1550° for 30 minutes.
KEEP YOUR DATA DRY Our 220+ will protect your data for 3 days when submerged in 10 feet of water. Is that a little overkill for the firefighter’s hose? Yes, probably. But it’ll sure come in handy if your basement floods!
TWO DRIVES GETS HIGH FIVES Unfortunately, hard drives can fail. It’s not a matter of if but when. To eliminate this risk, the 220+ NAS makes two copies of your data simultaneously on two different drives. This ensures that your work is protected no matter the danger.
RUNS SYNOLOGY'S OS The 220+ is powered by Synology’s DiskStation Manager operating system, a popular NAS OS with a thriving app ecosystem. Use your 220+ from anywhere as a shared network storage system, find apps for productivity or media management, or create a private cloud.
The fireproof and waterproof ioSafe 220+ NAS contains two hard drives configured as a redundant RAID 1 device. If one drive fails, pop in another for an automatic rebuild.
Perfect for professional offices, small or medium businesses, and even some home users, the 220+ NAS is perfect for protecting data to ensure business continuity.
Our comprehensive Data Recovery Service, included on systems purchased with factory-installed hard drives, offers additional protection for your data. Should your device go through fire, water, or corrupted hard drive, our Data Recovery Service will help get you back in business quickly.